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Monday, October 8, 2012

Obama vs. Romney 2012 Social Media Barometer Dashboard (for week ending 10/07/2012)

The latest update of the Obama/Romney Social Media Dashboard is ready for viewing. Highlights through October 7, include the following observations:

  • Share of voice was equally split for the two candidates at 50% each.  A shift from last week when Obama had the lead.
  • In general, mentions of both candidates is at record levels and is up 123%.
  • Romney's ratio of positive to negative sentiment for the week was observed to be 14% higher then Obama's 
  • At the end of the reporting period, traffic spiked to both candidates websites due to the debate.
  • Additionally, both candidates had a significant increase in Facebook fans and engagement this week due to the debates.  However, Romney was observed to have record engagement at close to 33% of  his fan base. 
  • This week Romney's use of Twitter increased three fold.
  • As prior weeks, Romney leads in retweets per tweet but still trails behind Obama in usage.
  • Trending terms revolved around who won the debate.

Next week should be very exciting with the first Vice-Presidential debate of the election season occurring on Thursday.  Check back next Monday to see how the debates shaped the social media narrative.

If you need assistance in developing or executing social media dashboards for your brand, contact the Marketing Data Scientists at Drake Direct   ( www.drakedirect.com).

Rhonda and Perry Drake

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